
As a dedicated pet owner, you understand the importance of keeping your furry friend healthy and happy. However, some conditions that can pose significant health risks—such as oral-nasal fistulas—are not very well known. This article explains the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for oral-nasal fistulas...

Did you know that there are veterinarians who specialize in anesthesiology? Veterinary anesthesiologists are veterinarians who have completed additional education and passed an exam to become board-certified in anesthesia. Like most specialists, veterinary anesthesiologists typically complete an internship of 1-2 years, followed by a 3-year residency....

Many pet owners have experienced that moment when their dog or cat leans in for a snuggle, only for them to recoil at the smell of their breath. While it might be tempting to dismiss bad breath as a common and harmless issue, it’s important...

Depending on the type of procedure a pet has, they often need medications for a few days after surgery. There are several different types of medications a pet might need, and several different formulations available. This allows our veterinarians to prescribe a formulation that will...

If you love cats, you just know your cat is perfect, right? And it’s true. Most cats are perfect in every way. Although humans have bred cats to have certain traits such as long hair or a spotted coat, there is not as much variation...

Dental caries, commonly called cavities, are a common concern in human dentistry. Dental caries is the breakdown of the hard tissue of a tooth due to acids produced by bacteria. Dental plaque is a film of bacteria and other substances on the teeth. Caries occur...

What is an enamel defect? The outer layer of the crown of a tooth is enamel, the hardest substance in the body, even harder than bone. Enamel exists to protect the softer and more sensitive layers of tissue below it (dentin and pulp). While we perceive...

In the realm of veterinary dentistry, the importance of preoperative bloodwork cannot be overstated. Just as in human medicine, these tests serve as a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of our animal companions undergoing dental procedures. While it may seem like an...

The normal color of a healthy dog or cat tooth is the same as it is for people – a shiny, creamy white or off-white. While dogs don’t have the problem of staining from too much coffee or red wine, that doesn’t mean their teeth...